General Membership Meeting Minutes
February 3, 2003
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by John Rodriguez. There
were 26 parents and students in attendance.
The minutes of the last meeting dated January 13, 2003 were approved
as mailed with a motion by Susan Landers and a second by Jeff Smulovitz.
All those in attendance approved.
John presented the Treasurer's Report dated February 2, 2003. John
announced that the guard had paid back all the money they borrowed from
the boosters' to purchase their new uniform tops. He also stated that even
though the report shows a negative balance, we are not in the hole. There
is still money in the General Fund that has been carried over from previous
years. Laura O'Roark made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as
presented. The motion was seconded by Candace Ferrell and Keryn Geho and
approved by all those in attendance.
Mike reported that the Pizza Fund Raiser made a profit of $1868.75.
A total of 521 units were sold by the 33 students who participated. The
students' accounts have been posted $5.40 per unit sold. Mike thanked Gary
and Trena Fisher for doing a great job chairing this fund raiser.
John announced that he has been busy making phone calls to the parents'
of the students whose accounts are behind. Some of the money has been coming
in, but a lot is still due. He asked for anyone that is behind to catch
their student's account up as soon as possible.
Olga Wright spoke on the Cheesecake Fund Raiser. The event kicks
off tonight and runs through Monday, March 3rd. All cheesecakes
sold must be picked up on Friday, March 14th between 3:00 to
6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria at James Wood. Please tear off the back page
of the order leaflet and fold like a letter and insert it into a Band Booster
envelope along with the payment and place in the silver box on or before
March 3rd. Olga stated that she will have a table set up at
the Pre-District Concert on March 3rd encase you want to turn
the order in directly to her. Please contact Olga at 722-2351 if you have
any questions. Mike noted that when selling the cheesecakes you should
make sure the purchaser knows the diameter of the cheesecake to avoid any
problems when delivering. The 20 oz cheesecakes measure 7" round and serves
up to 6 and the 32 oz cheesecakes measure 9' round and serves up to 12.
John opened the floor to questions. Scott Deter asked if the money
paid for the Ohio Trip was refundable if the student's account had a positive
balance once the Spring Trip and General Fund Fee was paid. John stated
that the Ohio Trip Fee was an extra fee the marching students had to pay
and was not refundable.
John noted that a Chaperone Meeting will be held on Thursday, April
10th at 7:00 p.m. in the band room for the parents who will
be chaperoning the Spring Trip. At this meeting the chaperones will be
given the names of the students that they will be responsible for. John
noted that the two drivers will not been given any students since they
are responsible to drive the equipment truck. All other parents will be
given one or two rooms of students. There will be six students per room
and two chaperones per room. Olga noted that the chaperones have been paired
up with a roommate and the bus captains for all buses except Bus 3, which
is the Choir bus, have been selected. Ellen Casto asked if it was true
that if the students' don't sign up six to a room they will have to pay
extra for fewer in a room. She heard that since there were a lot of students
backing out of the trip there might be some rooms with fewer students.
Chris Palffy stated that once the students sign up for rooms, the ones
with fewer than six will be filled in. Clesta Rhodes noted that once the
parents signed the consent form they are obligated to pay for the Spring
Trip even if their student backs out and doesn't go. John agreed that the
consent form was a binding document and once signed the parent must pay
the trip fee whether their student goes or not.
John read Mr. Rutherford's note in his absence due to musical rehearsal.
The students who are eligible to audition for All-State Band will travel
to James Madison University on Saturday, February 22nd for the
audition. Mr. Rutherford asked that the parents' of those involve form
a car pool to transport the students to and from Harrisonburg. On Monday,
March 3rd at 7:00 p.m. the Blue and Gold Concert bands as well
as the Symphonic Wind Ensemble will present a Pre-District Concert. Please
note, the Gold Concert band will be the only band to perform at the District
XIV Concert Festival on Saturday, March 8th at Sherando High
School. The Blue Concert Band as well as the Symphonic Wind Ensemble will
travel to Charlottesville, VA on Saturday, March 15th to participate
in the District XVIII Concert Festival at Charlottesville High School.
This scheduling change is due to All-State Wrestling which is also on March
8th. The students will be transported to Charlottesville on
coaches. Any parent who would like to ride on the coaches is welcome. Parents
are also needed to ride the school buses with the Gold Band to Sherando
High School an March 8th. Please contact Olga Wright at 722-2351
if you would like to ride with the band on either day. John noted that
the students' will need to bring money with them for dinner on the Charlottesville
trip. Clesta Rhodes asked where they will stop for dinner so she could
get a feel for how much money she needed to send with her student. John
stated that he was unsure but it more than likely will be at a fast food
restaurant or the concessions at the school. This year's musical, Bye Bye
Birdie, will be performed on Thursday, March 27th through Saturday,
March 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Mr. Rutherford wanted
to thank everyone who attended the Winter Concerts. An extra special thank
you goes to those who helped at the District Jazz Festival.
Mr. Rutherford has received a tentative schedule from CCIS for the
students' performance times during the Spring Trip. On the morning of Tuesday,
April 15th the Marching Band will march down Main Street in
the Magic Kingdom. Later in the evening both Jazz Bands will perform at
the Starlight Cafe also in the Magic Kingdom. On Wednesday, April 16th
the combined Blue and Gold Concert Band, the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, and
the two choir groups will perform in Epcot Center on Future World West
Stage. On Thursday, April 17th the students' will spend the
day at MGM Studios before departing for home around 5 or 6 p.m.
John announced that the next Band Booster meeting will be held on
Monday, March 10th due to the Pre-District Concert being scheduled
on March 3rd.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. with a motion by Wally Kuchyt.
The motion was seconded by Candace Ferrell and all those in attendance
April Stultz